

265 Uppsatser om Procedural rhetoric - Sida 1 av 18

Konsten att skapa frustration : En procedurell och visuell retorisk analys av ?Riskprofilen? ? en interaktiv film från Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap

A rhetorical analysis of the educational interactive film ?Riskprofilen?, produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Swedish: Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). This essay uses the theories and methods of Procedural rhetoric, as described by Professor Ian Bogost, and Visual Rhetoric, as described by Professor Brigitte Mral to analyse the interactive and visual component parts of the artefact, and compares them to the intended purposes of the artefact as stated by documents pertaining to its creation, found to be those of educating the public; marketing the agency; and driving traffic to its webpage. The artefact is through analysis found to fulfil the purposes of marketing the Agency and of likely increasing traffic to the website upon which it is hosted. Regarding the primary, educational purpose this analysis finds that the artefact does not teach a user the accident-avoidance strategies it claims to do, but is dependent upon further materials..

Persuasiva spel: Ett medium med spännande möjligheter : Procedurell retorik i två svenska opinionsbildande datorspel

This essay is about the principles and rules that control persuasive computer games. The term persuasive games mean computer games, video games and other similar artifacts that are produced to shape opinion. The rhetorical scholar Ian Bogost at Georgia Tech claims that this kind of games mainly get their persuasive power by using Procedural rhetoric and that games as a medium gives special conditions for procedurality.  By Procedural rhetoric Bogost means an argumentation that is based on rules and choices, as opposed to texts, movies and images. (Bogost 2007). Bogost describes these procedures as quite specific for games and claims that they differ qualitatively from ?ordinary? rhetorical arguments even if they just as other arguments work by establishing enthymems.

Marknadsretoriken i Sverige : Ett arbete om retoriken som produkt

Rhetoric is a difficult discipline to define. For centuries, rhetoricians have argued and discussed the question: what is rhetoric? Over the past 20 years, Sweden has seen a new breed of companies enter the labor market - the rhetoric consultants. If the adverts are correct, these consultants will help you become a better speaker, a greater debater and a more critical and conscious listener. In other words, you can pay to become a greater rhetorician.

Samma skola, sex olika uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie om retorikens plats i svenskämnet

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachings of rhetoric?s in schools, more specifically within the Swedish subject; furthermore it examines how Swedish teachers work with rhetoric in the Swedish subject on a practical basis. The study also highlights teachers' approaches to the curriculum for high school. The method I have used to conduct this study, have been to use interviews and inductive ethnography. The teachers whom have been interviewed in my study have similar understandings of what oral presentations actually are, but their idea of what the term rhetoric stands for however differs. Teachers have received similar training in rhetoric; however, they have different experiences within it.

Sverigedemokraterna - En retorisk studie

The Sweden democrats are a political party that has had a time of success duringthe last year. However many people believe them to be a racist party, in contrastto how they view themselves and their political message. How is it possible thatthe views of the same party differ to this extent, it seems to be a large ambiguityin their message. Rhetoric is a tool that everybody uses in some way or anotherand can be crucial to how a political party is perceived by people. Can thereforethe use of rhetoric be a factor that has contributed to the different perception of theparty and if so, in which way?With the help of theories such as semiotics, classical rhetoric and antiestablishmentstrategy, different texts, such as motions, and pictures published bythe Sweden democrats can be analyzed to find ways they use rhetoric.In the analysis it was obvious that they used rhetoric, even though therhetorical quality differed between the leading persons in the party and the peoplewho represented the Sweden democrats in the local government.

Watashi wo aishite ? älska mig : En lacaninspirerad läsning av Haruki Murakamis Sputnik Sweetheart

A rhetorical analysis of the educational interactive film ?Riskprofilen?, produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Swedish: Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap). This essay uses the theories and methods of Procedural rhetoric, as described by Professor Ian Bogost, and Visual Rhetoric, as described by Professor Brigitte Mral to analyse the interactive and visual component parts of the artefact, and compares them to the intended purposes of the artefact as stated by documents pertaining to its creation, found to be those of educating the public; marketing the agency; and driving traffic to its webpage. The artefact is through analysis found to fulfil the purposes of marketing the Agency and of likely increasing traffic to the website upon which it is hosted. Regarding the primary, educational purpose this analysis finds that the artefact does not teach a user the accident-avoidance strategies it claims to do, but is dependent upon further materials..

Att riskera sin världsbild : En uppsats om tolkning av retoriska objekt ur två individuella perspektiv

This paper discusses the relationship between rhetoric and hermeneutics. It is a studyconducted through a generative method where two different rhetoric students haveanalyzed three rhetorical objects and afterwards have compared their results and theninterpreted the differences and similarities. The purpose is to find what makes aninterpretation legitimate and plausible and what binds rhetoric and hermeneuticstogether through meta analysis. The study shows that doxa is a fundamental elementthat connects rhetoric to hermeneutics and that it is more relevant to discussintersubjectivity than legitimacy, which is harder to define and achieve. An importantresult is also that the dialogue in the interpretation process has been found to be acatalyst for new research findings and of increased knowledge..

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration.The results of the study shows that, althought there?s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law.

Möblering med Procedurell Generering : Furnishing with Procedural Generation

I spelutveckling finns det idag två sätt för utvecklare att skapa digitalt innehåll. Manuellt av personer som skapar allt innehåll för hand eller automatiskt av program där ekvationer istället beskriver innehållet och generera detta vid behov. Att låta ett program generera digitalt innehåll kallas Procedural Content Generation (PCG) och används i grafiska applikationer, dataspel, simulatorer och online-applikationer. I detta arbete, gjort för Linnéuniversitetet, utvecklas ett sätt att möblera ett virtuellt rum genom att bruka konceptet för PCG. Genereringsalgoritmen är regelbaserad och med denna lösning kan ett eller flera virtuella rum möbleras utan att innehållet i rummen behöver lagras. .

En europeisk åklagare : ett hot mot den fria bevisprövningen?

There are intense discussions within the European Union regarding the introduction of a European Public Prosecutor (EPP). The proposed EPP will have jurisdiction in the entire union, and will work under a unified set of rules of procedure. These procedural rules will differ from the Swedish rules of criminal procedure, especially regarding the handling of illegal evidence. The thesis describes the European legal history, especially regarding criminal procedure. The thesis also describes what the purposes and principals are in Swedish criminal procedural law, and the purposes and principals in the proposed European criminal procedural law.

Förloppslandskap : ett sätt att betrakta landskap

Begreppet landskap kan betyda både utsiktslandskap, så som det används på engelska , och område, region, som är grundbetydelsen i de germanska språken. Torsten Hägerstrand introducerade i början på 1990-talet begreppet förloppslandskap, som vänder sig mot ett statiskt betraktande av landskap och istället tar fasta på landskapets processer. Målet med denna litteraturstudie är att presentera en översikt av förloppslandskapets idéer. Syftet är att med detta som bakgrund föra en diskussion kring förloppslandskapets relevans i dagens planeringssituation. Europeiska landskapskonventionen företräder en landskapssyn där samspelet mellan natur och samhälle betonas, men till skillnad från förloppslandskapet så är fokus inställt på människans upplevelse.

Deklarativt minne hos universitetsstuderande med dyslexi : Undersökning av igenkänningsminne efter oavsiktlig inkodning

Utifrån the procedural deficit hypothesis (PDH) antas det deklarativa minnet vara intakt hos personer med dyslexi. Detta styrks av studier som visat att deklarativt minne är intakt eller förstärkt hos barn med SLI eller dyslexi då det undersökts med icke-språkliga minnestest. Personer med dyslexi som genomgår universitetsstudier antas kompensera för sina svårigheter på olika sätt, bland annat med det deklarativa minnet. I denna studie har deklarativt minne undersökts i form av visuellt igenkänningsminne efter oavsiktlig inkodning. Deltagarna utgjordes av 11 universitetsstuderande med dyslexi samt en kontrollgrupp på 26 universitetsstuderande utan dyslexi.

Invandrarprat och skam: en kvalitativ studie av retorikens betydelse

The purpose of this enquiry was to study how the rhetoric about immigrants (invandrarprat) influences the interpretation of reality in regards to new swedes. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews with eight new swedes who, apart from their country of origin, by Swedish social standards would be considered average. Two questions were examined for the purpose of this study:1. How do new swedes react to rhetoric about immigrants?2.

Retorik i psykoterapi : Hur en psykoterapeut etablerar sitt ethos

This paper aims to describe and discuss psychotherapy in rhetorical terms; in particular how psychotherapists can use their ethos, or person, as a means for convincing the patient, and subsequently discuss how these insights in turn can be useful for other rhetors.Classical rhetoric is commonly associated with one speaker exercising influence on an audience of many, but modern rhetoric is broader, and includes all situations where someone is attempting, by speech or in writing, to affect anyone, including the rhetor himself. With this broader definition, psychotherapy may also be considered a form of rhetoric. Psychotherapy does, however, highlight the aspect of power distribution, in that it is clear that it is up to the patient to determine whether the rhetoric will achieve its purpose or not, that is, if he will be influenced by it. In psychotherapy, it is also important to differentiate between persuading and convincing: for a permanent change to occur in the patient?s thoughts and actions, the deeper, "internal" form of conviction is necessary for change to take place.When attempting to convince an audience, it is important for the speaker to establish a credible ethos, that is, present a trustworthy persona.

Relationen mellan Europeiska Unionen och Vitryssland : En kvalitativ studie om hur Vitryssland debatterats i Europaparlamentet i samband med parlamentsvalen i landet år 2004 och 2008

A qualitative document analysis is used to answer the aim of this thesis that is to find out if the relation between the European Union and Belarus has changed from confrontational to reparational in between the two parliamentary elections that was held in the country in the years of 2004 and 2008. The study focuses on debates from the European parliament in association to the elections in Belarus to see if the rhetoric used in the debates have changed. It is found that the rhetoric used in the European parliament after the 2004 election in Belarus are extremely confrontational and the members of the debate expresses their thoughts of Belarus in a rather harsh way. It has also been found that the rhetoric used in the European parliament after the 2008 election in Belarus are more diplomatic and have the tendencies of a warmer relation to Belarus although there are still some confrontational views among the members..

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